Making Your Lemonade
Doughy & Moist Keto Almond Chickpea Cookies

Aug 16, 2022 | Recipes

Chickpea cookies sound extremely gross and intimidating to eat, I know. But trust me, you won’t be able to taste any of the chickpeas in them! I’m sure others won’t even be able to guess that chickpeas were added to them!

I am definitely not the first person to introduce the concept of using chickpeas in cookie recipes. In fact, I first heard about this idea many years ago, but I don’t remember which website it was from. Nevertheless, I never forgot that I made cookies with chickpeas! 

You can find many chickpea recipes for peanut butter chocolate chip cookies online (which are delicious by the way—that’s what I made when I first made a chickpea cookie recipe). But since I’ve always been more into butter cookies and anything almondy, I thought I’d try combining these two food loves by making buttery almond chickpea cookies. I’m so glad I did, because they turned out delicious!

These Cookies are Extremely Soft, So Be Careful with Them!

What I love about working with chickpeas in cookie recipes is that they keep the cookies incredibly soft and moist, making them seem much more special (at least in my opinion) than the typical hard cookies that you’ll find at most superstores. 

Having said that, it is worth noting that these cookies do not harden or stay fully intact like regular cookies. They will be extremely delicate and soft to the touch, especially when you first take them out of the oven.

However, they will harden slightly once they’ve had the chance to cool. So please be extremely careful while handling them, especially while they’re still warm!

They might hold their shape better after 1 day, or if they’re kept in the fridge. But once they’ve had the chance to cool down fully, I would say they’re on par with cookies you would find at a bakery or a café!

Almond Cookie Cereal Idea

Because these cookies crumble so easily, you can make an interesting almond cookie cereal by adding them to milk!

I discovered this accidently as I tried dipping them into milk, and they fell apart in the milk. But I’m glad they did!

Feel free to adjust the texture, as well as the intensity of the cookie taste of the cereal by adding more milk or cookie bits to it, according to your preferences. You could even try adding chocolate chips or other fun ingredients to it (but I have not tried this).


Having used almond flour instead of white four, and substituted erythritol for sugar, these make an excellent choice for a keto snack (as long as they’re eaten in moderation, as the chickpeas still contain more carbs).

Potentially Vegetarian or Vegan

For both vegetarians (who don’t consume eggs) and vegans, you can omit the egg yolks, and it’s still delicious! If you’re vegan, you can substitute unsalted butter for unsalted margarine. I have not yet tried making the vegan version of the recipe, so please let me know in the comments section how this turns out for you!


This recipe should be entirely gluten-free, unless of course one (or more) of the ingredients, such as the baking powder, contain traces of gluten in it. 

You can save the unused egg white (this recipe only requires an egg yolkoptionally) for another recipe in the future by freezing it in a container, mixed with a sprinkle of salt (if you intend to save it for a savoury recipe) or sugar (if you intend to save it for a sweet recipe) to better preserve the texture of the egg. You can find more tips on how to reduce food waste here.

Three keto almond cookies on a plate, placed on a folded dish towel. One cookie is bitten

Doughy & Moist Keto Almond Chickpea Cookies

Deliciously doughy and moist cookies made from chickpeas (which you can't even taste!) and almond flour. Gluten-free and keto. Can potentially be made vegetarian or vegan.
Course Dessert, Snack
Keyword gluten-free, Keto
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 16 Cookies


  • 3/4 cup canned chickpeas
  • 3/4 cup almond flour
  • 3/4 tsp almond extract
  • 3-4 tbsp almond flakes for garnish, optional
  • 1/2 tsp gluten-free baking powder
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter or margarine (if vegan)
  • 1/3 cup erythritol
  • 1 egg yolk (save the egg white for another use) optional. Omit if vegetarian (if you don't eat eggs) or vegan.
  • stevia or monk fruit to taste, optional


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  • Rinse the chickpeas and add them, as well as all the other ingredients (except for the almond flakes) into a food processor and process until smooth.
  • If the mixture is too wet, add slightly more almond flour. 
  • Taste the mixture and add a few drops of stevia, monk fruit, or erythritol, if needed. If using, be careful not to add too much stevia or monk fruit, as they both have strong aftertastes and can potentially ruin a recipe. After each drop, taste it to see if it needs more before adding another drop.
  • Lay parchment paper on a pan and roll the mixture into balls, using about 2 tbsp of the mixture for each ball. Place each ball onto the lined pan, leaving a couple of inches or so of space between each cookie. 
  • Bake them for about 10 minutes.
  • Remove them from the oven and allow them to cool for at least 20 minutes. Since they are made using chickpeas, they will not harden like regular cookies and will be extremely tender, soft, and delicate, so you may need to be extra careful while handling them. The longer they are allowed to cool, the more “set” and solid they will turn out. Storing them in the fridge is ideal. Enjoy!

What do you think of this almond chickpea cookie recipe? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below!

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