Making Your Lemonade
Healthy Snacks & Teas

Sep 26, 2022 | Articles

In order to be able to maintain a healthy diet, it helps to have a wide supply of healthy snacks and teas on hand, especially ones that require little preparation. At the very least, it’s always helpful to be aware of different products you can try out in the future, whenever you feel bored of your usual go-to snacks.

Such products also help satisfy cravings, which prevents temptations from getting out of control. I know I personally love discovering new, healthy snack foods and drinks that require little preparation, so I’m excited to share a list of such products with you below!

HEALTHY TEAS (Both Caffeinated and Decaffeinated Options Below)

Drinking naturally sweet tea can help satisfy cravings for sweets
Drinking naturally sweet tea can help satisfy cravings for sweets. Photo by Carli Jeen on Unsplash

Butterfly Pea Flower Powder at Amazon (a.k.a. Blue “Matcha”) and Matcha Green Tea at Amazon:  

As the name of my first recommendation implies, this is a type of edible flower that’s been ground up into a powder. It is often referred to as “blue matcha,” but actually is not matcha at all, as it is not ground green tea leaves.

It is called blue matcha because it has a mild, chalky, sweet taste akin to normal matcha powder, but is slightly milder, sweeter, chalkier and creamier. In contrast, traditional matcha tea (green) tastes stronger, earthier, thinner, and slightly grainier, in my opinion.

Butterfly pea powder can also be used as a healthier alternative to food colouring. It is naturally caffeine-free, so you can have it at any time of the day, without having to worry about whether it’ll keep you awake at night. Green tea matcha, on the other hand, naturally contains low amounts of caffeine, but is much richer in antioxidants. In fact, a study found that matcha green tea possesses 10 times the amount of antioxidants as regular green tea.

Decaffeinated green tea matcha exists but is more expensive and a lot less common.

I recommend making these drinks with hot milk, rather than hot water to heighten their naturally sweet, creamy flavour. A little bit of vanilla extract goes very well with matcha green tea in particular. 

Christmas in Paris tea at Amazon (by Stash):

Christmas in Paris is a delicious, healthy tea you can purchase from Amazon
Photo by Jen P. on Unsplash

This whimsical tea bursts with A TON of flavour, and tastes wonderful in hot milk. It blends many strong flavours together seamlessly, including cocoa, peppermint, lavender, and vanilla. None of the flavours seem to overpower or compete with each other, but there is certainly nothing boring or underwhelming about it.

It reminds me a lot of this pack of tea samples I bought over 10 years ago from David’s Tea called “Sweet Tooth.” This collection of tea samples contained several chocolate-flavoured teas with strong herbal undertones, all of which had a very expensive and indulgent feel to them. I believe this tea is even better than those teas, as I didn’t feel compelled to buy any of the tea samples afterward, even though they were good…they just weren’t good enough, especially for the price—whereas I can’t get enough of Christmas in Paris!

What I also love about this tea is that it is herbal, meaning that it is basically caffeine-free, except for the trace amounts of caffeine in the cocoa shells. So you don’t really have to worry about what time you’re having it at, and can have as much as you want (unless of course you are sensitive to trace amounts of caffeine). I personally love having this tea right before bed, when I’m craving something sweet, cozy and whimsical.

Monk’s Blend Tea at Amazon (by Metropolitan Tea)

Monk's blend tea has a grenadine flavour akin to cherries, a rich creaminess similar to earl grey, and floral accents

When I first tried this tea at a café, I immediately fell in love with its strong and unique combination of flavours. It’s been one of my favourite teas (tied with “Christmas in Paris”) ever since, as I’ve purchased it 3 times so far! 

This is a dramatic kind of black tea that has a distinctive natural sweetness to it akin to cherries, perhaps due to its grenadine flavour (which is actually made of pomegranates). It also has a rich creaminess to it reminiscent of a high quality earl grey blend with vanilla overtones, as it does contain natural vanilla flavour (and black tea). It also contains soft floral accents, due to the addition of calendula and sunflower petals. 

This creamy, sweet taste can be heightened with hot milk and a tiny bit of unsweetened caramel extract added to it (I’ve tried adding vanilla extract which is also good, but caramel extract is even better). It’s definitely more on the expensive side, so what I like to do is use half the amount I would normally use for a loose-leaf tea, and I just steep it for about twice as long, since I love this tea so much and it’s hard for me to find teas that I adore so much.

Bengal Spice Tea at Amazon

Drink this naturally sweet, caffeine-free tea to satisfy cravings for sweets in a healthy way

This tea has a flavour reminiscent of chai, but without the addition of black tea and caffeine. This means you can enjoy it at any time of the day and as often as you want, without it affecting your sleep! 

It’s extremely cinnamon-y, so if you are a big fan of anything with cinnamon or chai-flavour, and are looking for something that won’t keep you up late at night, then this tea might be for you. It has a strong flavour, especially for a herbal tea, and naturally tastes very sweet, even without any milk (or sugar) added to it.

I drink this tea if I’m craving chai tea, but it’s too late in the day for me to have anything caffeinated or if I’ve already had my fill of caffeine for the day.


Keto Iced Lemon Drops at Amazon:

Lemon-flavoured keto 'fat bombs' by Slimfast

These are soooo good! It’s definitely one of my favourite treats to have in moderation, and my mom loves these, too! If you’re into lemon-flavoured things, I would definitely recommend you try these!

This sweet treat has a chocolate-like texture and feel, and taste very flavourful, especially for something that’s entirely keto. Because of this, I like to consume it as a healthy alternative to chocolate – even though it doesn’t taste like chocolate. Nevertheless, consuming this still somehow satisfies my cravings for it.

There are other flavours – even chocolate ones – but this one has the richest flavour and is by far my favourite!

Amaranth at Amazon:

Amaranth is a healthy choice for a snack and is easy to make
Dry Amaranth. Photo by miiya from Pixabay

If you really like popcorn, then you might really like this, as it has a light and airy taste and feel that is very similar to popcorn when popped.

To pop it, you can cook it like you would with kettle corn, over a stovetop as you wait for the seeds to pop. Or, you can boil and cook it (rather than pop it) in the same way you would with quinoa (but for about 20 minutes). You can find more detailed instructions on the different ways you can prepare and cook it online.

All in all, it’s a wonderful snack to have on hand for whenever you have the case of the munchies and certainly makes a much healthier alternative to chips!

Gogi Berries at Amazon

Dried goji berries are superfoods high in vitamins A and C
Dried goji berries

As I’m sure many of you already know, these berries are a superfood. Known for their high vitamin A and C content, as well as their impressive medicinal qualities, they come packaged and dried, and are sweet without being overly sweet, especially compared to most dried fruits out there. Specifically, they have been linked to supporting eye health, immune function, sleep quality, mental health, healthy skin, and protecting against cancer. 

I generally try to avoid eating dried fruits because they tend to be high in sugar, with hardly any nutritional value left. However, I make exceptions for these since they are so nutritious.

You can read more about their benefits, as well as their potential risks and interactions with drugs on the Healthline and Web MD websites.

Jeera Pappadums at Amazon: 

Jeera pappadums, meaning 'cumin-flavoured wafers,' are delicious, healthy and quick snacks

This roughly translates to “cumin-flavoured wafer,” and is a type of Indian snack that is often gluten-free, as it is frequently made with lentil flour.

It’s kind of like a giant crispy chip, providing you with instant portion control in each serving. Before it’s cooked, it’s flexible like a wrap and then hardens and lifts a bit as you cook it. You can watch a short video of how to cook it here. It only takes a few seconds to cook each one on a pan or in a microwave.

I personally LOVE the cumin flavour, was NOT a fan of the black pepper flavour, and have not yet tried the other flavours. So be wary trying out other flavours – they are also likely to be either ‘hits’ or ‘misses,’ considering the varied customer reviews.


Dal Masala Powder at Amazon

Dal masala is delicious on top of any kinds of beans or lentils on their own, not just in lentil soup
Dal Masala. Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

This is a spice mix that originated from India, and is made specifically for the purpose of seasoning “dal” (lentil soup). However, in my experience it tastes great when added to any kinds of beans or lentils just on their own, (not necessarily in lentil soup).

I season my already-cooked beans or lentils with it by simply heating ghee or butter on a pan and then adding the dal masala, followed by lentils or beans. Next, I add some salt and perhaps some cilantro for a simplified version, but feel free to add a lot more spices, herbs, and vegetables to it – such as onion, tomato, and curry leaves – to amp up the taste, as well as the nutritional value of the dish even more.

There are many different kinds of dal masala, but it typically consists of a mixture of the following spices: chilli, cumin, coriander, turmeric, pepper, garlic, cardamom, and ginger, just to name a few. If you’re a fan of Indian cuisine or anything spicy, then I definitely recommend that you give this a try!

Shirataki Noodles at Amazon

Shirataki Noodles in a soup with mushrooms and spinach
Shirataki Noodles in a soup. Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash

Also referred to as konjac noodles or miracle noodles, these noodles are made out of a root vegetable native to eastern Asia known as “konjac” or “elephant yam.”

These are vegan, gluten-free, and extremely light and keto-friendly, as they can contain as few as 2 grams of carbs and 5 calories per serving.

Despite its incredibly low calories, you do not want to have much more than the recommended serving because of its high fibre content, which can potentially cause digestive stress. I recommend consuming this in small batches, as a side dish rather than a main meal, or passing on this altogether if you are sensitive to high-fibre foods.

You can read more about their health benefits and potential side effects here and here.

They come in a bag filled with fishy-smelling water, but it is actually just normal water that has soaked up the scent of the konjac, which naturally has a fishy odour. However, in my experience, it pretty much goes away after you rinse it. 

If you tend to be picky about texture, you may not like these, as a few amazon customer reviewers have noted. Boiling them for about 3 minutes beforehand can improve their texture.

What healthy snacks and teas are your favourite?

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